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Orders open every Friday 7pm - Sunday 10pm

Delivery Options and Pricing

배송 정보와 배송비를 확인하실 수 있습니다. 배송은 마켓밴(금-일 마켓) 오더만 사용 가능하시고 지역에따라 용이한 점 참고 부탁드립니다. 배송 주문 하시면 월요일 혹은 화요일에 기사님이 자세한 시간대를 문자로 안내드립니다.

You can check your delivery information here. Delivery option is for orders from MarketVan (Fri-Sun market) and it varies depending on your location. Once you make your purchase, delivery person will contact you either on Monday or Tuesday to give detailed time rage for your delivery.

  • Evening Delivery with the postal code that starts with:
    V5Z, V5Y, V5T, V5V, V5W, V5X, V5L, V5N, V5P, V5K, V5M, V5R, V5S, V5C, V5G, V5H, V5J, V5B, V5A, V5E, V3N, V3L, V3M, V3J, V3K, V3C, V3B, V3V, V3T, V3R, V4N, V2Y, V3A, V1M, V6H, V6J, V6K, V6L, V6R, V6T, V6S, V6N, V6P, V6M

    Delivery Time: 6pm - 10pm (Further detailed time range will be shared by delivery person prior to delivery)


    • Free for order over $200
    • $10 for order over $100
    • $15 for order below $100
  • Vancouver Mainland: Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, etc...

    Delivery Time: 12pm - 4pm (Delivery person will contact to give detailed time range prior to the delivery day)


    • Free for order over $200
    • $10 for order over $100
    • $15 for order below $100
  • Victoria/Nanaimo/Abbotsford/Chilliwack

    Delivery Time: Delivery person will contact to give detailed time range prior to the delivery day


    • Free for order over $200
    • $10 for order over $100
    • $15 for order below $100

    빅토리아는 별도 배송비가 책정됩니다. (지역별 담당자에게 확인해주세요)
    Victoria has a separate shipping fee. Please check with the regional representative for details.

Pickup Locations and Times

픽업을 원하시는 분들께서는 아래에서 픽업 장소와 시간 확인이 가능합니다.

If you want to pickup your orders, this is where you get the information. Please make sure you pickup orders at the right location at the right time.


    Wednesday 2pm-6pm: 1206 Ridgeway Ave

    Friday 2pm-6pm: 1206 Ridgeway Ave


    Wednesday 1pm: 20716 Willoughby Town Centre Dr (parking lot across from condo)


    Wednesday 11am: 6088 waltere gage rd (St. Andrew's Hal)


    Wednesday 3pm-5pm: 927 8th Ave (Sandy Farm)


    Thursday 12pm: 1669 Pear St (Bistro Chi-Q)


    Thursday 11am: 2855 Gladwin Rd


    Thursday 1pm: 45585 Luckakuck Way


    Thursday 2pm-4pm: 1619 Ellis st (SEOULful Convenience)


    Friday: 9251 34 Ave NW (A mart)